
PDP applications

PDP will remain mainly used in office automation equipment in the field, but also in the personal computer field has a place. From the PDP's excellent display quality and performance considerations, it can be said is the most suitable field of office automation market.Character OLED Display From the current laptop and handheld personal computer application point of view, PDP likely to develop in these areas, because of their thin and light low power consumption, is available for notebook computers. Further improve the clarity of the PDP and increase capacity, the workstation will field its victory over other types of flat panel displays of the best fields. Colorization in its implementation and to further improve display quality after a remarkable skill. As for the industrial equipment, instrumentation, public information displays and ticket machines and other fields, can certainly make use of the advantages of the PDP easy resolution, but the market is not great.

PDP has been used sale terminals (POS), the bank teller terminals and outdoor display. The newly developed high-capacity PDP has been in extensive use in OA equipment, and the application prospect. Currently various Japanese manufacturers produce the PDP, which dot size of 0.2mm, lcm module light colors are mostly bright orange color gamut close to CRT. Because PDP is self-luminous, so clear display. Its current application, including the main fault is the display driver circuit including price is still too high. Japan recently Fujitsu, Matsushita Electric Company has changed its color PDP push commercialization. Fujitsu's newly manufactured color PDP as an alternative to using helium neon gas discharge discharge, so that emit ultraviolet light emission to excite the fluorescent material, the effect is quite good. Matsushita Electronics Corporation recently developed into a green and amber monochrome PDP, its success trick is able to control filling gas composition, its green hue can be comparable with the CRT.

