
LCD and plasma are not perfect

View recently about LCD and plasma research data and market price information, almost all surprised us. Just 10 years ago, these products are out of reach, 42-inch plasma display panel reached a staggering price of $ 15,000, the application seems to be more than we actually need for the display. However, today's market growth rate is surprisingly amazing, this year, in a variety show, we can feel the size of many of the various models of COG LCD Module and plasma, while a wide variety of input configuration device (analog or digital), media servers, stand equipment, wall equipment, rack equipment and access Mike and other products also will be unveiled.

We all know, LCD and plasma TVs TV consumer market quickly developed into popular products are widely used in home bedrooms, even hanging on the kitchen wall. And LCD and plasma are also installed in the room showing a rapid upward trend, on-screen display is more commonly used in conference rooms or lounges.

As with other new technologies, lcd module and plasma constant development, there are also some problems: LCD pour point is very low; plasma appears stigma; plasma at high frequencies will produce noise; plasma for leaks; LCD display is also there will be imprinted; LCD can not display black.

