
Pt particles generated as electrode

Generation phase of the glass material to be melted to better take a direct electric heating method, while using bubble level to improve glass melting and uniformity. Therefore, in liquid phase in the glass has a strong current, taking into account the high temperature performance is generally used bubbler made of Pt, when the(Character LCD Module) insulation is not satisfactory when a bubbler, SnO2 electrode and the electrolyte occurs between the bubbler reaction, thereby resulting in Pt 'melting. "
When do Pt electrode, Pt molten state, so that the impurities in the shape of a microscope seen relatively smooth, with clear glass interface, a larger reflector (but this is less than the former purity of impurities, so there is no reflection before a kind of strong);, and its small size (0.05mm diameter is generally less), just from the appearance easily confused with bubbles, must be carefully identified.
The impurity solution,(serial display modules) we must first check bubbler, furnace insulation; then appropriate to reduce the use of current changes and can also be powered using low gear to some extent alleviate the electrode effect; course, if the use of variable frequency power supply, This occurs when a large number of impurities using high frequency to make a "electrolytic cell" time is very short, the amount is reduced accordingly.

