
What is the real rear projection TV

Rear (rearprojector) is defined relative to the traditional front projection (frontprojector) purposes . One kind of projection and reflection principle under the guise of the screen and projection system in one of the television imaging system .

In the projection display device, its projection into orthographic projection display (frontprojection) and back projection in two ways. The most direct application is the orthogonal projection projector , the light is projected onto the screen in front of imaging .OLED Display Module The rear projection The principle is simply the projector installed in the bottom of the fuselage , the signal after reflection , projected onto the translucent screen behind imaging .

According to its internal use projector types can be divided into CRT rear projection , DLP rear projection (digitallightprocessor digital light processor ), LCOS rear projection (liquidcrystalonsilicon silicon projection ) , LCD (LCD) projection and so on. As the projector and screen as one, rear-projection TV users do not need the system optical adjustment , lcd module making it easy to use and greatly exceeded the front projector.

